Griddled Scottish Salmon

Griddled Scottish Salmon
  • Serves 4
  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Cook Time: 15 mins


  • 4 x 175g Scottish salmon steaks
  • Olive oil for brushing
  • 150 g rice noodles
  • 1 x yellow pepper, deseeded and sliced into sticks
  • 1 x red pepper, deseeded and sliced into sticks
  • 100 g French beans, cut in half
  • 100 g mangetout, shredded
  • 100 ml vegetable stock
  • Juice of a lime
  • 1/2 tsp curry paste
  • 1 tbsp chopped coriander
  • Coriander sprigs for garnish


  1. 1

    Brush a griddle pan with oil and heat until really hot. Cook salmon steaks on griddle for 4 minutes each side

  2. 2

    Meanwhile cook beans in boiling water for 3 minutes, add mangetout and rice noodles. Cook until soft and drain well. Add peppers and mix well

  3. 3

    Heat vegetable stock, add lime juice, curry paste and coriander

  4. 4

    Place piles of noodles and vegetables on 4 dishes. Top with salmon and spoon curry broth over the top and garnish with coriander


Recipe kindly contributed by The Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation